Report a Swarm
Swarming is a part of bees’ natural reproductive cycle, in which the queen and a good portion of the worker population leave the hive to find a new home. While a honeybee swarm is relatively harmless, it can be a frightening sight to people. Swarms should not be disturbed in any way. It is best to clear the area until the beekeeper arrives to retrieve the swarm.
Report A Swarm
Knox-Lincoln County Beekeepers can help you if you have honeybees that haves swarmed or if you have a swarm that landed on your property. We have a list of KLCB beekeepers who can remove a swarm. We only ask that you identify your insects.
Our member beekeepers act privately, as
a service to the public, and are not
endorsed by the KLCB.
You can also report a swarm ath the Maine state Beekeepers Association

We believe that honey bees play a vital role in our ecosystem, and that it is our responsibility as beekeepers to protect and nurture them. By working together, we can make a difference in our communities and ensure a bright future for honey bees and the people who care for them.